
Financial Assistance Program

Our hope is that finances will never prevent a child from being able to attend one of our programs. To help combat this we created the Campership program.

The Campership program is a way of providing financial assistance to families that need it to help send their children to camp. We are able to provide this assistance due to generous individuals, businesses, and other non-profits and churches in the province.

To be able to apply for Camp Kannawin’s Campership fund you first must attempt to use Kidsport funding. However, if you are not eligible for Kidsport funding but still need some help, please reach out to the camp: [email protected]


KidSport is a national non-profit organization that helps Canadian children and youth overcome financial barriers preventing them from participating in organized sport. The organization believes that all kids should have the opportunity to experience the positive benefits of organized sports, such as physical activity, self-confidence, and socialization. KidSport Canada has chapters in every province and territory, and they have helped thousands of kids participate in sport since their founding in 1993.

Some information you may need is:
Total Cost– $475
Club Name– Other then, Camp Kannawin Association
Club Mailing Address- Box 9240 Sylvan Lake, AB Canada T4S 1S8
Club City-Sylvan Lake
Club Province-Alberta
Club Postal Code- T4S 1S8
Club Phone- 403-887-5760
Club Email- [email protected]
Do you require equipment- No
Proof of Registration- The registration household account statement attached to the confirmation email will work

* Note that Kidsport may only provide up to $250 in Financial aid, the remaining balance can be paid in full or on a payment plan. Camp Kannaiwn office will be in touch after receiving the grant and applying to your child.

To apply to Kidsport click the link below to find your local chapter:

If you require anything from Camp Kannawin for your Jumpstart or Kidsport application let us know via:

If you are unable to qualify or are ineligible for Kidsport’s program, then you may fill out the form below to apply for financial assistance from Camp Kannawin.

Campership Request Form: